How to Make Assignment

Example of Assignment

  1. Manage your study time well by using a planner or diary to pace your activities appropriately. Start your course assignments early. Do not wait until the last moment. You will need time to gather relevant information, discuss and interact with your course mates and look for additional resources to complete the assignments.
  2. Read through the assignment carefully and find out exactly what is required. Underline key words such as discuss, compare, consider, how would… Those words will tell you what to do for your assignment.
  3. In particular, pay special attention to any format requirements mentioned in the assignment. Many times, the solution is required as a spreadsheet or a word-processed document and tutors may refuse to award marks if the formatting requirements are not followed.
  4. The first thing before doing the assignment is to understand the assignment completely. If anything in the assignment is unclear, you may ask your peers and tutors.
  5. Brainstorm and jot down your original ideas on paper or in your computer.
  6. Look back at the question again to check that you are answering it correctly.
  7. Be to the point. For example, in a descriptive question, there is no need for long introductions or a verbose answer. Don’t just write about the subject, relate your answers to the given points in the assignments and give your own insight/thoughts on it. Make simple sentences, this will reduce language and grammar mistakes.
  8. Make sure that you address all requirements of the assignment. Overlooking small points can lead to loss of marks. Remember, while answering any assignment, you have to show your own understanding about the subject matter.
  9. Think and answer logically. Organize your ideas. Your assignments should be clear, well sequenced and very well constructed.
  10. To prepare your assignment you are encouraged to consult books, journals and the Internet but remember to provide proper references and citations so that you are not penalized.
  11. It influences the grader how well things are organized at first view. Thus make paragraphs and use headings. This will also help you to check that you have answered all the questions.
  12. Do not copy word for word from any source. You should use your own words as far as possible.
  13. If you use an idea from a book or from the internet, written in your own words you should provide the name of the author and the year. At the end of your assignment you must give full details.
  14. If you use the words out of a book, you need to give the author, year and page. The citation and referencing should be done properly so that you are not penalized.
  15. In case you are not familiar with citations and references, you are encouraged to check the APA Citation Style.
  16. Working with others and sharing ideas is always a valuable activity and is recommended for assignments. However, all material you submit MUST be your own unique and original work.
  17. Copying from others or allowing them to copy from you are both classified as cheating and will be awarded zero marks. The University may award further penalties in certain cases.
  18. Deadlines for submission must be strictly adhered to. Late assignments are not accepted since the University already makes an allowance for infrastructure problems such as power loss etc

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